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Sclerotherapy is the treatment of thread veins on the legs by micro injections of a prescription solution called Aethoxysklerol (which is also used to treat varicose veins). This is much more effectve than the saline solution used by many therapists. The solution irritates the walls of the veins and causes them to collapse and die. They will go dark at first and will gradually be absorbed and disposed of by the body's immune system. 

This treatment is very effective on medium sized thread veins ie ones which are big enough to get the needle inside, but not varicose veins. Generally you need 2-3 treatments several months apart, but often most of the veins go after one treatment. 

It is best to have this treatment a couple of months before a holiday, as the veins can look a little worse for the first few weeks due to going darker as they die. 

The injections sting, but are not very uncomfortable. The area treated will be red and itchy and a little sore for a few days after treatment. Do not have hot baths or do vigorous exercise for 24 hours.


All treatments have associated risks and complications which will be discussed with you in detail at your medical consultation.  Any illnesses you have, medications you take  or previous problems with treatments will be taken into consideration. We want you to be totally informed, not rushed  and happy to go ahead before you have any treatments.

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