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Lips can be enhanced using fillers and/or Botulinum toxin in many different ways not only to plump the lips, but to reduce upper lip wrinkles, do a Lip Flip, improve a 'gummy smile', prevent the corners of the mouth drooping .

I use Allergan  Juvederm fillers which are used by many of  the top doctors and plastic surgeons worldwide.  They have years of research, testing and studies to ensure they are safe.  The latest ones are cross linked to give longevity and can last up to a year although four to six months is more usual. The fillers are soft and luxurious and although more expensive than many, they are the Rolls Royce’s of the filler world. There are many cheap fillers available now, which may not be as safe or as well tested or last so long and we do not know what may happen in the future after having these fillers which are not fda approved. Some do not dissolve as easily as others. It is true that you get what you pay for and I do not believe in taking risks with your face. 

Fillers are used to plump up the body of the lip and sometimes a little is added into the border to give more definition. This also helps with smoker’s/lipstick  lines. 

We can also do other things to give you a beautiful smile such as add filler under the corners of your mouth to lift them. This is often combined with Botulinum toxin to weaken the muscles which turn down the corners of the mouth. 

 Botulinum toxin can be injected to lower the upper lip  when you have a ‘gummy smile’. This is a great treatment and being able to smile without showing your gums is fabulous.

We can use Botulinum toxin to reduce barcode/smokers lines on the upper lip too. This is an underused fabulous treatment which also slightly lifts and everts the upper lip giving a more youthful appearance. this is also done to achieve a Lip Flip. 

You should be aware that occasionally it may slightly affect a patients ability to whistle or talk quite the same as before. This is rare and will disappear within a few weeks. If the treatment is repeated we will adjust the dose or change the area injected.  

I will ask you what it is that you would like to achieve. It can help to bring pictures of lips whichyou particularly like. I will then make suggestions and tell you what I think we can realistically achieve bearing in mind the natural shape of your lips. It may be that we will start with a small amount of filler and then add more over time, so that you can test out the results in a subtle way or gradually build fuller lips over time. 

We use numbing cream before starting and the fillers have anaesthetic in them (not all fillers do), so it is actually quite a low pain procedure given the sensitivity of the lips. I am often told that I am very gentle compare to some practitioners that they have had previous treatments with. 

You may have some small bruises on the lips, although I will do my best to avoid these. It is a very vascular area, so it is fairly common to have a bruise. Occasionally a patient may get a large bruise which forms a lump which is called a haematoma which will take a few days to go. 

You will be able to feel the filler in your lips as lumpy areas and they can sometimes be seen inside the lips. As long as you cannot see these from the outside and the lips look nice, this is normal and you should not have fillers if you do not like the idea of this. 

Swelling is very variable. It starts just after the treatment and increases until the next day. Most people swell a fair bit, but a small number of  patients will swell a lot. (Up to two or three times normal lip size). This is generally nothing to worry about and will go down on the second/third day. But feel free to call us if you are worried. Maximum swelling usually occurs  on the day after treatment, so be advised that you may not want to go to work or an event if the swelling is bad or you are trying to keep your treatment secret . Try to keep applying ice as much as you can whilst you have swelling. Do not exercise, have massage or saunas  or drink alcohol for the first 24 hours after your treatment. Do not apply makeup or touch your lips for 12 hours  after treatment in order to minimise the chance if infection. 

The best results will start to be seen by the end of the first week. We will review you after two weeks. 

 Usually you will find that you can go longer between treatments as time goes on. Good hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm disappear gradually and should leave no long term problems. 

If you are unfortunate enough  to have a side effect, Juvederm fillers can be dissolved. 


Please do not drink alcohol or take aspirin, ibuprofen or herbal tablets for 24hours before treatment as this can make you bruise more easily. 


You will be asked to read and sign a consent form before any treatment which details more serious and rare side effects.

















































All treatments have associated risks and complications which will be discussed with you in detail at your medical consultation.  Any illnesses you have, medications you take  or previous problems with treatments will be taken into consideration. We want you to be totally informed, not rushed  and happy to go ahead before you have any treatments.

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