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I qualified at Dundee University Medical School in 1987 and after several years of working in hospitals, I completed my GP training in 1992. I have worked as a GP, Police Surgeon, Family Planning and Well Woman Doctor.


In 1998, I heard about Botulinum toxin and fillers. As an amateur artist who has always been interested in drawing beautiful people, I was immediately fascinated. If I could draw and sculpt real people to enhance their natural beauty, then I could combine my two passions i.e. medicine and art.


I trained with the first provider of fillers in this country Collagen UK. After originally using collagen, they introduced hyaluronic acid, a sugar which is naturally produced in the body and breaks down harmlessly.  We still use this in our fillers today. 

I continued to work with these products, whilst also working as a full time GP. Eventually I gave up general practice and am now specialising in my true passion of helping people to achieve the best results possible with natural looking enhancements of their own beauty. I update my knowledge every day and am always searching for new ways of doing things better. I go to conferences with world leaders, watch demonstrations in real life and online and take courses with the best trainers in Harley Street and elsewhere. 

I believe that as a doctor, I am able to offer a level of service which is better and safer for you for the following reasons:-

I am legally allowed to carry stocks of botulinum toxin and other medications including emergency drugs, which I have immediately to hand should you need them. This is not true of any other practitioner, including dentists and prescribing nurses. For those practitioners, a prescription must be supplied for each individual patient. If your practitioner cannot prescribe themselves, then you must attend their prescriber for a face to face consultation before you can be treated. This is a legal requirement and should be done for every treatment. 

I am able to use my knowledge of human illnesses, anatomy, pharmacology and physiology in order to assess the way that your individual illnesses and medication may interact in a potentially harmful way with your treatment.

Fillers are not safe for everyone, but sadly every practitioner does not seem to know this. 

If you have a complication, I will be well qualified to diagnose and treat it. Again, I see many diagnostic mistakes made by less qualified practitioners, who have far less experience in recognising problems and may prescribe drugs which make things worse. for example I often see steroids prescribed instead of antibiotics and vice versa, which can make a minor complication a lot worse.

I have also tended to many patients in emergency situations, as a hospital doctor and GP. Therefore should you be unfortunate enough to have a serious complication such as a severe allergic reaction, I have the equipment and experience to recognise it and treat it. Doing a half day CPR course is not the same as having resuscitated many people in hospital, which all doctors have experience of. (Although of course I renew my CPR certificate yearly as required).

Your own GP or A&E are incredibly unlikely to know how to treat filler and botox complications. They don't even carry the drugs required to dissolve filler in an emergency. 

If your practitioner refers you to your GP, they are not looking after you properly. 

I am regulated and checked yearly to a level that no other practitioner has to reach. (Nurses and dentists are regulated too, but not to such stringent levels). 


I am very gentle and hate anyone to be in pain. I will really listen to you and look at your face using my artistic eye to suggest things that will help you. I will not do anything that I think will look odd and at all times my priority is to achieve a natural refreshed appearance. I hate duck lips or huge cheek fillers or totally shiny flat expressionless faces. 

 I will never push you to have any treatments and will always be careful of your budget.


Some people judge women for being vain in having these treatments, however, I believe we are sensitive creatures and sometimes need a bit of help to feel good about ourselves. I have seen the misery a particular facial problem can cause. I have also seen the confidence a subtle improvement can make.  I am no hypocrite. My team and I all have treatments and feel the huge benefits of looking healthier, younger and sexier. We don't offer you anything that we haven't personally tried. I am not into the latest fad or machine. Everything I use must work and be value for money. 


On a reassuring note, whilst we all want value for money and longevity in our products, I am reassured by the fact that nothing is permanent. All these treatments will fade after different periods of time, if not maintained. 


There are many things we can do to aid you in achieving your vision and I will do my very best to help you on your way to a more confident and beautiful you. 

Confidentiality Guarenteed


At Dr Ruthie Aesthetics, personal information and confidentiality is assured. All bookings are stored on a totally secure software system designed for Dr Ruthie Aesthetics. Personal information, such as your name and treatment data will be store on our software to keep a record of what procedures have been carried out and the amount and type of product used. With your permission photos will be taken to document progress and highlight treated areas. This information ensures we have a good record of your procedures should there be any problems.  This information will not be passed to a third party.

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